Digitized photographs, negatives, postcards, and slides of imperial Japan (1868-1945), its Asian empire (1895-1945) and occupied Japan (1947-52). Images of Taiwan 台湾, Japan 日本, China 中国, Korea 朝鮮, Manchuria 満洲国, and Indonesia are included."
"The Re-Envisioning Japan Research Collection focuses on small gauge films (16mm, Regular or Standard 8mm, and Super 8mm) that sometimes fall under the category of orphan works. The small gauge films in the REJ collection include amateur and educational films, stock footage, TV commercials, documentaries, and films marketed for home entertainment." -quoted from the website
"国立映画アーカイブが運営しています。1899(明治32)年の日本映画初公開から120年目を迎えたことを記念して2019(令和元)年に開設されました。平成30年度「文化芸術振興費補助金(美術館・歴史博物館重点分野推進支援事業)」の「映画におけるデジタル保存・活用に関する調査研究」のもと、デジタル化や保存技術に関わる実践的な調査研究ならびにコレクション公開の新たな方法を試みるための調査研究の成果として、国立情報学研究所(NII)と共同で構築されたものです。時代を記録した国立映画アーカイブのコレクションがより多くの人の目に触れ、貴重な映像が広く活用されることで、歴史・文化への理解や研究の発展、新たな創造への貢献が促されることを期待しています。" -quoted from the website
Asian Film Online: Volume I offers a view of Asian culture as seen through the lens of the independent Asian filmmaker. Through a selection curated by film scholars and critics, viewers can explore the impact of globalization and urbanization on peoples everyday lives throughout the greater Asian region. Faculty and students engaged in area studies, anthropology, film studies, philosophy, geography, education, religion, gender studies, world literature, urban development, cross-cultural communication, journalism, social sciences, and humanities will benefit from exploring this rare collection of films that make silent voices heard.
From their website
Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video service for educational institutions that provides students, faculty, and staff with access to a variety of documentary and feature films. Kanopy works directly with filmmakers and film distribution companies to offer collections including titles from PBS, BBC, Criterion Collection, Media Education Foundation, Psychotherapy.net and more.