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Access to the Factiva database and tips on using it.

Sources in Factiva

Factiva includes news sources, trade publications, transcripts and press releases from all over the world. Articles are available in 28 different languages and can be searched using those languages.

Factiva also includes pictures from Reuters and several other services.

Finding a Source

Factiva searches all sources by default. Follow these steps to find a specific source.

Click on All Sources underneath the search box
Factiva source selection

Enter all or part of a title. Factiva will show any matches

Factiva Source Search

Click on the title you want. You can repeat the process to add additional sources.

Click on the "i" icon to see details. This will show years of coverage and when a source was updated.

Click on the purple caret symbol to insert Factiva's code for a source in the search box. You can combine this with "and" to search the title.

You can also enter codes directly if you know them, which can save time if you frequently search the same sources.
For example, rst=J searches the Wall Street Journal. Search "rst=J and tax reform" to find the latest articles in the Wall Street Journal on tax reform.

Sources by Industry or Region

Factiva groups publications by  topic, region and industry. However, there are two ways to select region. One searches for articles about a region, the other searches in publications from a region.

To limit to sources from a region, use the source selection box and select region

Select sources by region

You can drill down to see a list of all sources from a country

Expanded source list showing Cameroon

Academic Restrictions on Sources

Some sources in Factiva are not available in our academic account. The Chicago Tribune and LA Times are the two most prominent sources. They will still appear in source lists and allow you to select them, but any searches will give no results.

You can see a list of publications unavailable to academic accounts by following these steps:

  1. select the Search Builder option on the Search tab.
  2. Click to expand All Sources under the search box
  3. Type or paste in the code for blocked sources, RST=TBAS in the box where you would enter a publication name for searching.
  4. Remove the check mark for Search Source Name/Alias only and click the purple arrow or Enter. The results will list all sources blocked to academic customers.

You must include step four, otherwise Factiva will return an error.

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