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How do I access Library resources from off-campus?

Tips for using online resources when you're away from campus

Add ProxyIt! to your Mobile Device

Mobile browsers need a little more work to add ProxyIt! Use the following steps, which we adapted from the University of Michigan Library.

These instructions are optimized for iOS and will work with the Safari browser.
Android security settings prevent it from working on Android devices.

Add ProxyIt! step by step

  1. Bookmark this page. Name it ProxyIt! or something similar.
  2. Copy the following piece of code to your clipboard
  3. Edit your bookmark
    Replace the URL with the code you copied. Be sure to remove any https://.
  4. Use your new bookmark. When you land on a page that needs the proxy, select the ProxyIt! bookmark and the page will reload.

    Try it now with    JSTOR

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