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The University of Chicago Library holds an excellent collection in most branches of human geography, as well as in urban studies and environmental studies. Areas of particular regional strength include North America, Europe, Russia and the former Soviet republics, and South Asia.

Most of the collection is filed by call number in the stacks at the Joseph Regenstein Library. Certain reference materials can be found in the Second and Third Floor Reading Rooms of Regenstein.

Unbound paper periodicals are shelved in the Current Periodicals Reading Room at the eastern end of Regenstein's second floor. Some scientific materials related to geography are shelved in the John Crerar Library. The Library also provides access to a large number of electronic resources in geography and related disciplines.

Virtually all of the Library's holdings of books and serials are listed in its on-line catalog. There are a number of monographic serials in geography that must be searched by series name and number. 

Subject Specialist

Geography at the University of Chicago