Market research from Euromonitor. Reports on consumer markets around the world. Use the browse reports option to browse by industry or country. We especially recommend the Consumer Lifestyles reports, which give detailed information on consumer demographics in over 70 countries. Passport also contains summary statistics on consumer products in the menu search
Reports on marketing through sports and to sports fans.
Market research on U.S. consumer markets.
You must create an account to save sections of reports. Only or will be accepted.
Richard K. Miller & Associates (RKMA), founded in 1972, publishes handbooks focused
on marketing and the consumer marketplace. With over 30,000 copies in print, RKMA
ranks as one of the country's largest market research publishers.
RKMA established itself as a leading market analyst and futurist firm in the early 1980s
with its research on advanced computing. The forecasts of Richard Miller, founder and
president of the firm, on the commercialization of computer graphics, real-time supply
chain management, industrial automation, and other emerging technologies were
amazingly accurate. RKMA first wrote about the Internet (then called Arpanet) in 1984.
Information on spectator and participation sports. Includes data on salaries, attendance and broadcast revenue for major leagues.
SMA is a single resource for analytics of sports marketing trends, brand preferences, general media habits, sponsorship, social media, fantasy, eSports, participation, and sports equipment and footwear. We feature wide-ranging resources tailored to meet specific needs of sports teams, media, leagues, agencies, manufacturers, retailers and sports educational institutions.
Provided by the US Department of Education, this tool breaks down revenue and expense data by individual men's and women's sports at over 2000 universities and colleges in the U.S. Entire data collections can be downloaded as an Excel or SPSS file.
Especially good for statistics on sporting goods and outdoor activities
Statista collects data from a broad range of government and commercial sources. Data can be downloaded in Excel or pre-formatted for PowerPoint. Statista also includes reports from market research companies.
Trade Associations
There are also trade associations for specific sports or sporting goods. The Encyclopedia of Associations is the best sort for locating them, it is in print only in Regenstein Library Reference, call number HS61.E56
Contains business-focused content from a variety of sources including newspapers, dissertations, ebooks, video, business cases, industry reports and more.
Article database that includes trade publications, academic journals, industry profiles, country information and company profiles, which include SWOT analyses. Full text is often available. Use the FindIt links to locate full text of articles that are not included in the database.
Provides access to global news and business information, including local newspapers, same-day newswires, company reports, and media programs. Content is available in many different languages, including Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Russian. Stock data and indices are available for 5 years.