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Researching contemporary African American art in Chicago

A guide to resources for students cataloging Patric McCoy's collection (Summer 2016)

Finding Books

Search the Library Catalog for books on African American contemporary art. One way to get the best search results is to use the Advanced Search option of the Catalog. Select the tab for "Begins With" and select "Subject".  Below you will find examples of Library of Congress Subject Headings that you can use in this search 

  • African Americans –- Illinois -– Chicago
  • African American Artists -- Illinois -- Chicago
  • African American Arts - Illinois
  • African American art -- Exhibitions
  • Bronzeville (Chicago, Ill.)
  • Africobra

Using this same search, you can enter names of artists to find books about them. However, the artist usually needs to be very prominent to have a specific subject heading. For example:

  • Bey, Dawoud

You can also used the Advanced Keyword option to combine subjects and keywords.  For example:

  • African American Art (Subject) AND Chicago (Keyword)

Subject Guide

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Nancy Spiegel
Bibliographer for Art and Cinema
Bibliographer for History
Regenstein Library Room 463