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How do I find dissertations and theses?

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Obtaining Dissertations the Library Does Not Hold

Current University of Chicago faculty, students, and staff may borrow dissertations and theses by placing an interlibrary loan request.

Along with the records for books and other material, WorldCat contains records for dissertations or theses held by member libraries.

Dissertations from Academic Institutions Outside the U.S.

Dissertations and theses from institutions outside the United States can sometimes be challenging to obtain. The Center for Research Libraries has a large collection of foreign dissertations. We borrow material from them, and in many cases interlibrary loan staff will ask CRL to acquire material they do not hold. See the CRL guide to dissertations for additional information. Some of the Library's research guides mention sources for identifying dissertations in particular areas.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global contains records for most North American doctoral dissertations and an increasing number of dissertations from other parts of the world. To locate dissertations of interest, search by keyword.  Select More Search Options or use the Advanced search interface to search for terms in specific fields (Author, School, etc.).  Note that some fields (Abstract, Advisor, Committee Member, Department) will not work for dissertations produced before a certain date.  Many titles are available online.

The Library also holds bibliographies you may use to identify dissertations. Locate these sources by searching the Library Catalog using the subject term Dissertations, Academic in either the subject keyword search or the Begins with subject search option. If you are looking for dissertations from a specific country, you can add the country into your search terms (i.e. Dissertations, Academic -- Mexico).