In the early 1970s, art historian Georg Stahl extensively researched and documented the Chicago Mural Movement. This material was used to teach a Mural Painting course at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with the late UChicago Professor Emeritus, Harold Hayden. In late 2014, Stahl graciously reached out to the Visual Resources Center and offered his material to help build our digital collections of Chicago Black Art.
The Department of Art History's collection of 60,000 lantern slides where digitized and transferred to the Rebuild Foundation's Stony Island Arts Bank in 2009.
Images from the Sengstacke Archive are provided for educational purposes and private study only. They may not be downloaded for use in electronic or print publications (including websites), exhibitions or broadcasts, without permission. The collection does not permit image export.
Built on four main pillarsAsian art, European art, modern art and design, and contemporary artthe collections include recognized masterworks as well as clusters of works that introduce important, though lesser known, areas of art history. Strengths across the collections include figurative art, works on paper, and small-scale sculpture, as well as materials that illuminate artists' working methods and contexts.
From Special Collections, University of Chicago. Includes photographs and plans of campus buildings, street scenes, plans, elevations and interior views.