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Beyond the Culture Wars

Course guide for Beyond the Culture Wars: Social Movement and the Politics of Education

Finding scholarly books on your topic

1. Begin by using the keyword search screen. You may place limits on your search at the beginning, or use the facets later.

2. Explore the subject headings of relevant books to build your bibliography.

Here is an example of some interesting books that were retrieved using a keyword search for "ethnic studies." Note the hyperlinked subject strings in each of the catalog records:

How do I Find Journal Articles?

There are several different approaches to finding journal articles, depending on your starting point.

1. If you know the title of the article:

  • Try Articles Plus. For instance, search for the title of the journal and click the "Find It" button to get access.
  • Search the Library Catalog for the journal title 

2. If you are exploring a topic, use an article index such as ERIC. This approach is more comprehensive than going to JSTOR, which does not include the last five years of most journal content. Also, JSTOR only includes a fraction of the journal titles indexed in ERIC or other subject-specific indexes. JSTOR is a great resource for searching for articles across disciplines.

3. If you are looking for a particular journal online, search the Library's e-journal index.

Indexes for Finding Articles In American Studies

Citation Linking

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