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BUSN 38702 81: Choice Architecture in Practice

A guide to resources for students in Linnea Gandhi's course (Fall 2019)

Online Journals

The Library provides access to thousands of journals, newspapers and magazines related to business and economics. Visit our page on popular business publications to learn how to access the Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, the Economist, and more.

Visit our guide to finding articles to explore the many different types of publications that are available.

Best Databases for Finding Articles

Other Useful Article Databases

These databases are broader in scope but can be useful for many topics. 


BrowZine is a service that lets you scan journal tables of contents without visiting the publisher site. You can quickly view any article of interest directly from the BrowZine App or web site.

Download BrowZine Apps
Download the free app for additional functionality.

Finding Specific Articles

Trying to locate an article? Try these sources

  1. Search for the title of the journal in the Electronic Journals database
    This will indicate whether the Library has access to a journal online and which years are avaialble.

  2. Search for the title of the journal in the Library Catalog
    This will show print holdings. It will also include the Find It button FindIt, which will link to online access when available.

  3. Try the Citation Linker
    This attempts to match a citation to our online databases. This will not indicate whether an article is in a print journal, however.

Find It!

Look for  the  FindIt button in Library databases to locate the full text of articles. Many of our databases contain only citations and the Find It button can link you to the full text in another source or help you locate the print when an artilce is not available online. It also links to our Interlibrary Loan service, which will borrow copies of articles that the Library does not have access to.

Citation Management