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ENG 46202/CMLT46202/TAPS46202 : Performance Theory: Action, Affect, Archive



How a play is recieved can be studied by researching the critical reception of the playwright or play in addition to performance reviews. You can look for scholarly articles published shortly after the play was produced, or at different stages during the life of the playwright. To do this, limit your search to specific dates. Alternatively, use bibliographies about a playwright to hone in on relevant articles.

For example :

Eugene Ionesco : a Bibliography
Bibliographie et index thématique des études sur Eugène Ionesco


Harold Pinter : an Annotated Bibliography
Harold Pinter : a Study of his Reputation (1958-1969) and a Checklist

Key terms to use in searching indexes are "reception," "reputation," or "appreciation."


Only Reviews

(arranged by dates covered, most recent first)

Film Reviews

Arranged chronologically, oldest to most recent, this list includes both printed and online sources of reviews. For a more comprehensive listing of digital newspaper archives, consult our guide to newspapers.

Guide to Finding Reviews

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